Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finding New things

Hi well here I am again. Meant to get here in Nov, but time just gets away.
at the moment I am gearing up for Xmas and have been putting up decorations and making some, so have been very busy.
I want to show you something I made for our last for the year, doll sewing workshop.
Not really doing dolls so much now, but a lot of other nice things.
The first pic here is of my lovely flowers I was given recently when I went to an Afternoon for a good cause. I love flowers and this pic now resides on my desktop. Think somewhere I have an even better one of them. However the next pic you see is of a Xmas deco I made for the last day of our sewing group.
Made 8 of them and am about to make more.
I will put photos and directions in here as soon as I can, but now I am off to finish off some Angels I am making for my Xmas display with lights. Just wait til I get back here very soon.

Life is a play, played out by you,
it is what ever you make it,
whether it be a
or a Tragedy,
or even a Romantic interlude.

Just so it is what you want it to be.

Think on it and fly with you own reality.


to all



lourdi lourdaki said...

Ομορφα πολλυ!!ενα γεια απο Ελλαδα!!

Susan said...

Don't forget to show a picture of you in your Christmas redhat!

Artgalcrafts said...

Hi Susan will do, it has already had one outing with a friend, and I will be wearing it to our own Xmas party here.
Lots of Love