Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finding New things

At last I am back in my blogspot.
Have been so busy this month Finding and doing new things, Blogspot got lost.
Today I have found three new Blogspots that interest me and being from very creative people Im sure they'll interest anyone that comes here.
So, Welcome to my Blogspot
I certainly would have liked to have been at your class Wilma.
Ah me cant be everywhere one wants to be.

That is what is so inspiring about Blogspots, you can drop in anywhere you want to go and be part of other creative peoples lives.
So like I always say

Soar away to great heights
Take others with you and enjoy life.

Find happiness in being yourself.

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Thankyou Elizabeth :-)

I am happy that you found a solution to your seam blow-out too!