Amazing I am here so soon again.
Well soon for me.
I was blogging around, which I like to do, and came across one blog I follow. who had just put in pics of some lovely Hydrangeas she had. I love Hydrangeas and all the colours they come in, so here is a pic I keep in my craft room.
It may not be as good as the ones seen on that blog, but they remind me of all the lovely Hydrangeas I have seen in my life time.
Flowers to me are great healers, and give great joy, and it is a marvel to me how they all come about.
When you see some colours and styles and shapes you can only marvel at the how and the why of flowers
Lifes a bit like that too.
When we know what we have done and seen, and been thru in life, we can only marvel at the how and why of it too.
Lives that have been so tragic and unyeilding, for people who have either been in such pain or lost loved ones or even been thru bad experiences to be able to come out the other side and learn to live a fulfilling and positve life is like the flowers a blossoming, only to be marveled at .
Yes Flowers are so positve.
You see a very small flower putting its head up between the cracks on a road or amongst the weeds. that is how I see life.
I too have had my bad experiences and when I look back see only that it all enhanced my character as to where I am today.
Those experiences will always be with us , but it is whether or not we rise above them all and go on to live a happy and creative life is whether we win, or the demons do.
So I have learnt to be very positive and put my head up thru the cracks and
Soar above it all ,
like a beautiful flower
basking in the sun.
Hey thats me, LOL basking in the Sunlight of my life. You can do that too.
Let all the demons go, and be positve like the flowers.
Lifes like that too, it will drag you down or elevate you.
The choice is yours
So everyone, I hope I am not sounding too much like a sermon, dont mean to. just want you to see what I see in life and try hard not to let it get to you.
Think of the flowers and the butterflies, how they show their glorious colours and styles, and Soar away to a great positive New Year